Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP)
Following close consultation with DMOs in autumn of 2022, the LVEP programme is one of the key recommendations in the Government’s response to the independent de Bois Review of Destination Management Organisations in England.

Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) Programme for English Destination Management Organisations (DMOs)
Developed and administered by VisitEngland following close consultation with DMOs in autumn of last year, the LVEP programme is one of the key recommendations in the Government’s response to the independent de Bois Review of Destination Management Organisations in England.
The programme will create a national portfolio of strategic and high-performing LVEPs working in collaboration locally, regionally and nationally on shared priorities and targets to support and grow the visitor economy. Visit Peak District & Derbyshire applied for LVEP status, covering the geography of the Peak District, Derbyshire and Derby, as part of the first wave of accreditation, becoming initially one of 15 within England (it is anticipated that there will eventually be between 40 and 50 LVEPs).
With our LVEP status approved we will work closely with VisitEngland during the set-up process and beyond, with ongoing support from our Regional Development Lead.
As well as achieving a nationally recognised official status, we will provide strong leadership and management of our destinations, working collaboratively with the public and private sector. We will help to shape and deliver national strategy and activities. Our important role will be promoted across government and national agencies, ensuring the local visitor economy is an active and valued contributor to Levelling Up and the wider economy.
As an LVEP we will be able to access expert advice, dedicated toolkits and training programmes from VisitBritain/VisitEngland in areas ranging from commercialisation, distribution, accessibility and sustainability to business support and marketing.
Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) Programme for English Destination Management Organisations (DMOs)
Developed and administered by VisitEngland following close consultation with DMOs in the autumn of last year, the Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) programme is one of the key recommendations in the Government's response to the independent de Bois Review of Destination Management Organisations in England.
The LVEP programme will create a national portfolio of strategic and high-performing LVEPs working in collaboration locally, regionally and nationally on shared priorities and targets to support and grow the visitor economy. Visit Peak District & Derbyshire has applied for LVEP status as part of the first wave of accreditation, to initially become one of 15 LVEPs in England.

As a successful LVEP, we will work closely with VisitEngland during the set-up process and beyond, with ongoing support from our Regional Development Lead. As well as achieving a nationally recognised official status, we will provide strong leadership and management of the Peak District and Derbyshire, working collaboratively with the public and private sector.
We will help to shape and deliver national strategy and activities. Our important role will be promoted across government and national agencies, ensuring the local visitor economy is an active and valued contributor to Levelling Up and the wider economy.
As an LVEP we will be able to access expert advice, dedicated toolkits and training programmes from VisitBritain/VisitEngland in areas ranging from commercialisation, distribution, accessibility and sustainability to business support and marketing.

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