Resource Hub
The Resource Hub contains information, advice and downloadable assets that will help you run your business.
The Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Resource Hub
Visit Peak District & Derbyshire's Resource Hub is an area where you can access useful information and downloadable assets that will help you run your visitor economy business more effectively and efficiently.
If you're looking for recordings from our Previous Webinars, click here.
Can't find what you're looking for? Get in touch with our friendly team at industry@visitpeakdistrict.com.
Website listing log in
As a member of Visit Peak District & Derbyshire you are able to access and update your listing on www.visitpeakdistrict.com as often as you like.
We recommend that you check your listing quarterly and update your business images to reflect the changing seasons.
We have some downloadable resources to help you to do this:

Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Branding Guidelines
In 2022 we underwent a branding refresh. As part of the work we consulted with our members, private and public stakeholders to develop a shared brand proposition with an appealing tone of voice and engaging photography.
This brand proposition allows us to focus on what we would like the destination to be known for – some of this we can control, but is reflective of the thoughts and actions of our locals and tourism businesses.

Inspired by the Peak District Toolkit
The Inspired by the Peak District Initiative was developed to provide all types of business within the wider Peak District area the opportunity to develop a marketing edge from their association with the distinctive and dramatic Peak District environment
The logo is free to use for members of Visit Peak District & Derbyshire and Business Peak District. To use the logo you need to embrace the following core values:
- PASSION for the Peak District, its unique landscapes, character, experiences and the people who live here
- CARE for the Peak District environment and its surrounding areas
- CELEBRATE the Peak District in your everyday activities

Peak District Cycle Tourism Toolkit
- Download the Cycle Tourism Toolkit
- The Cycle Tourism Toolkit has been designed for any tourism business that wants to find out how to make the most of cycle tourism. It highlights how:
- A little low cost investment can go a long way
- To improve your visitor offer and set your business apart
We will give you an overview of cycle tourism, cut through the jargon and provide practical advice and simple ideas on how to successfully market your business to the growing cycle tourism market.

VisitEngland's Pink Booklet
VisitEngland's Pink Book outlines regulatory requirements and guidance for accommodation providers and attractions in England.
Now in its eleventh edition, ‘The Pink Book: Legislation for tourist accommodation and attractions’ provides guidance for running an accommodation business and an attraction, from food hygiene and health and safety to business management and tax.
The Pink Book is the only guide to legislation specifically aimed at all accommodation providers and attractions in England and the eleventh edition is sponsored by the Professional Association of Self-Caterers (PASC UK).

Accessible & Inclusive Marketing Toolkit
This Accessible & Inclusive Marketing Toolkit explains the importance of inclusive terminology and disability representation, as well as providing hints and tips on creating accessibility guides and promoting your offer through specific marketing channels.
The Toolkit also includes case studies from tourism businesses throughout England. The content in the toolkit was last updated in March 2022.

VisitEngland's Business Advice Hub
The VisitEngland Business Advice Hub offers a wealth of help and advice including:
- Making your business more accessible
- Making your business more sustainable
- How to complete your Fire Risk Assessment
- Understanding Health and Safety
- Marketing your business and much more

English Tourism Week toolkit
English Tourism Week will take place on 15-24 March 2024. Get involved with the new industry toolkit.
English Tourism Week (15-24 March 2024) is a celebration of our diverse, exciting and vibrant sector, and highlights the quality and value of English tourism.
This annual campaign raises awareness of our industry among key stakeholders, including MPs, ministers and the media. It forms part of VisitEngland’s mission to champion the sector through political engagement nationally, regionally and locally – demonstrating to political decision-makers the importance of tourism in England and their local area.
English Tourism Week aims to:
- Kickstart the spring/summer season and give businesses and destinations a marketing hook to engage with customers and encourage bookings
- Give businesses an opportunity to engage with local stakeholders such as MPs and media, to bring attention to tourism’s contribution in their area.
- Increase awareness among domestic visitors of the quality and variety of the English tourism offer, and encourage domestic travel.
Resources for businesses, destinations and industry
A toolkit for industry is now available for you to get involved with English Tourism Week. The toolkit is packed with logos and branded imagery that you can use across your social and web channels, along with branded templates where you can add your own imagery too, (using Photoshop or Powerpoint).
You can download the toolkit with the password: etw24.
Feel free to use the VisitBritain Assets Library to download suitable images or video clips for your assets.
If you are posting on social please use the hashtag #EnglishTourismWeek24 and tag us @vpddindustry on Facebook and Twitter/X or Visit Peak District and Derbyshire on Linked in and VisitEngland @VisitEnglandBiz on Twitter/X or VisitEngland on Linkedin.
Sign up to our newsletter
Stay updated with the latest visitor economy news, events and networking opportunities by signing up to rhe Visit Peak District & Derbyshire industry e-newsletter.