05 Sept 2022
Ambassador of Japan celebrates Derbyshire links and local produce at Chatsworth Country Fair
Post Date: 05 Sept 2022
The Ambassador of Japan to the UK met with Derbyshire producers, artisans and craftspeople whilst celebrating Japanese links to the area during a visit to Chatsworth Country Fair on Friday 2nd September.
The Ambassador of Japan to the UK met with Derbyshire producers, artisans and craftspeople whilst celebrating Japanese links to the area during a visit to Chatsworth Country Fair on Friday 2nd September.
Ambassador Hayashi and his wife Dr Hayashi were welcomed to the popular three-day annual event by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and Cllr Barry Lewis, Leader of Derbyshire County Council, on a visit to mark 24 years since the twinning of Derbyshire and Toyota City in Japan.
During his time at Chatsworth Country Fair, Ambassador Hayashi visited the largest-ever Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace which showcased quality Derbyshire-made items ranging from arts, crafts and homeware to fine food and drink.
Now in its third year, the Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace had been doubled in size for 2022 to support the post-pandemic recovery of local businesses – giving over 50 independent Derbyshire traders the opportunity to promote and sell their products to thousands of visitors from across the UK.
Exhibitors included Phil Sproson Photography, The Wirksworth Pottery Company, Shivering Mountain Gin, Crooked Pickle Co and The Original Paperstarlights, who supplied handmade lantern decorations that adorned the roof of the Marketplace.
The Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace is part financially supported by Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s European Regional Development Fund project, which aims to support the growth of small and medium sized visitor economy businesses in Derbyshire.
Chatsworth Country Fair is widely regarded as one of England’s most spectacular annual outdoor events, celebrating traditional country pursuits together with showground entertainment, quality trade stands and fun for the whole family.
Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said:
“We were delighted to mark the third successful year of the Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace with our biggest celebration of Derbyshire producers to date, and we were thrilled that both the Ambassador of Japan to the UK and the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire could meet some of our traders.
“As the industry recovers from the pandemic, it was fantastic to see so many artisans and craftspeople embracing the chance to come together to showcase the high quality and innovative products made here in Derbyshire.
“As well as being very popular with visitors, thanks to support from Chatsworth and our European Regional Development Fund project the Marketplace also gave producers the chance to exhibit at a nationally-renowned, large-scale event – supporting their recovery, fuelling growth and helping them to reach new audiences.”
Cllr Barry Lewis, Leader of Derbyshire County Council, said: “Our long-standing partnership with Toyota City has brought thousands of jobs and huge investment to the county over the last 24 years.
“Increasing trade and boosting tourism are key priorities for the partnership so it was a pleasure to welcome Ambassador Hayashi to experience what Derbyshire tourism and producers have to offer. And with another milestone anniversary ahead for the partnership next year, we’ll be strengthening our friendship with Toyota City further with a programme of events to build on our existing relationship and focus in on those key priorities to benefit both our economies.”
The Duke of Devonshire said: “As the most enthusiastic advocates of Derbyshire, we were pleased to welcome the return of the Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace to Chatsworth Country Fair. The region is fortunate to have many quality producers, artists and craftspeople and it’s fantastic to share these with an even wider audience.
“It was also our great pleasure to welcome Ambassador Hayashi to this year’s Country Fair, to help celebrate Derbyshire’s links with Toyota City and to experience a taste of what Derbyshire has to offer.”
High resolution image attached: The Ambassador of Japan to the UK is welcomed to the Visit Peak District & Derbyshire Marketplace at Chatsworth Country Fair. Pictured left to right: The Duke of Devonshire; Ambassador Hayashi, Ambassador of Japan to the UK; Cllr Barry Lewis, Leader of Derbyshire County Council; Cllr Tony King, Derbyshire County Council; Dr Hayashi; The Duchess of Devonshire; Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire.
For press enquiries, contact Amy Noton at 07387 141590 or amy.noton@marketingpdd.com.
Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire
Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire is the area’s official destination management organisation. Its mission is to develop and grow a successful and sustainable visitor economy, working closely with a wide range of partners to make the Peak District and Derbyshire the destination of choice – regionally, nationally and globally.
For the latest industry information see www.visitpeakdistrict.com/industry
The latest visitor information and inspiration can be found at www.vistpeakdistrict.com
About the European Regional Development Fund
The approved business support programme is receiving over £1.2 million of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund. The Department for Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund funds help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information visit www.gov.uk/european-growth-funding
About Derbyshire’s links with Toyota City
In 1989, Toyota Motor Company opened up its first European car factory in Burnaston, South Derbyshire and as a result of this, Derbyshire and Toyota City in Japan signed a formal twinning agreement in 1998.
Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council and South Derbyshire District Council were key players in attracting the car manufacturing giant to the county, which brought thousands of jobs to the area and remains one of the region's most significant employers. Derbyshire and Toyota City work together for mutual benefit in the areas of economy, environment, education, culture, and sport.
To find out more about the partnership visit derbyshire.gov.uk/ToyotaCity
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