Until the 1980's, most of the village of Ticknal in The National Forest was owned by the Harpur Crewe estate. It still has the character of an estate village and enjoys an unspoilt countryside setting.
Until the 1980's, most of the South Derbyshire village of Ticknall in The National Forestl was owned by the Harpur Crewe estate. It still has the character of an estate village and enjoys an unspoilt countryside setting. A lodge and lime avenue lead the way to Calke Abbey (NT), former home of the Harpur Crewes. The lionshead cast iron pumps and Corsican pines scattered through the village are other features provided by the family, who also were responsible for the alms houses built in 1772. Brickmaking and limeburning were big business in Ticknall in the 18th and 19th centuries and the brickyards and limeyards were connected to the Ashby Canal by an early tramway of c1802, whose course can still be traced. The tramway crossed the A514 via the well-known landmark known as ""Ticknall Arch"", and was carried under Calke Park in a cut-and-cover tunnel.
From the 16th to the 18th centuries, Ticknall also had a thriving pottery industry. ""Ticknall Ware"" was known throughout the Midlands and fragments of itn can be picked up everywhere around the village today. The industry steadily declined during the second half of the 18th century. Examples of ""Ticknall Ware"" pottery can be seen at Sharpe's Pottery in Swadlincote.
The parish church is an example of work of Derby architect H. I. Stevens, and was completed in 1842. Remnants of the previous church stand in the churchyard, along with a simple medieval cross. Next to the church is a cricket ground. Look out for the attractive polygonal lock-up on the main street that was used to house vagrants and drunks in times past.
In a mysterious and secret spot north of the village is Knowle Hill, a property of the Landmark Trust. It was originally a strange and irregular house built in the 1690's by an eccentric member of Burdett family of Foremark. It was used by the Burdetts while their house at Foremark was rebuilt around 1760, but was afterwards reduced to a summerhouse with accommodation for a gamekeeper.
The village has a number of small shops including Scaddows Farm Shop on the outskirts, which sells a variety of fruit, vegetables, meat and eggs from local producers.
Now Available! 'Ticknall Walk' one in a series of walks in the '5 Walks in South Derbyshire' booklet priced at £2.00 (+50p postage). Please contact Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre to obtain your copy.
Places of interest
Business Directory Calke Abbey
Poised somewhere between gentle neglect and downright dereliction, Calke Abbey is unlike other great country estates.
Business Directory Foremark
Nestled in the rolling Derbyshire countryside is Foremark, a 280-acre nature reserve, comprised of woodland habitat, heathland, open countryside, and open water.
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